
From Helbreath Olympia Wiki

Common abbreviations and acronyms used by players.
Entries with * (asterisk) at the end are not confirmed to have correct explanation.

000 I need Absolute Magic Protection cast on me
AMP Absolute Magic Protection spell
anc Ancient (weapon enchantment)
arch Archery talent / Player character built as Archer (mainly bow)
ares Aresden town / player
bbh Barbarian Hammer weapon *
berk Hauberk armor
bf Battlefield map
BH Battle Hammer weapon*
BI Bleeding Island map
bs Blacksmith town building
bu I need back up
buff An improvement
brapier Blood Rapier weapon
c Olympia Coin (usually used with number, e.g. "10c")
cap Upper limit (e.g. attributes have cap of 200)
CC Crush Chance (weapon enchantment)
CD Crush Damage (weapon enchantment)
char Player Character
CIC Critical Increase Chance (armor enchantment)
CK Cloud Kill spell
cloth Armor without level requirements (shirt, trousers etc.)
CP Casting Probability (weapon enchantment)
crim Player with criminal status
crit Critical hit
cyc Cyclops monster
d4 Dungeon Level 4 map
DE Dark Executor weapon / Dark Elf monster
debow Dark Elf Bow
det(ect) Detect Invisibility spell
dex Dexterity attribute
dmg Damage
DR Defense Ratio (armor enchantment)
dragon ring Ring of Dragon Power
DS Demon Slayer weapon / Defense Shield spell
DT Divine Touch spell
DV Death Valley map
EF Eternal Field map
EK Enemy Kill point/act
ele Elemental (weapon e.g. Elemental Hammer) / Elvine (player)
elv Elvine town / player
ESW Earth Shock Wave spell
exc Exceptional (weapon enchantment)
excal Excalibur weapon
exp Experience (armor enchantment)
farmer Player focusing on PvM only
fence(r) Fencing talent / skill / character build
ff Player is "ff" when their PFM or AMP runs out
FH Full Hero Armor set / Full Helm
flam Flamberge weapon
frag Fragment (used with Enchanting skill)
frog Giant Frog monster
FW Fire Wyvern monster / Firewall spell
gg Gargoyle monster
gis Giant Sword weapon
GM Game/Guild Master player
GP Gold Pieces
ham Hammer talent
hb Helbreath video game
hc Helclaw monster
hero Hero armor set
hh Helhound monster
hose Chain / Ring Hose armor, sometimes used generally as "any" leg armor
HP Health Points Recovery armor enchantment / just Health Points
HR Hit Ratio (weapon enchantment)
IB Ice Bound map
inhib Inhibition Casting spell
int Intelligence attribute
inv(is) Invisibility spell
KE Kloness Esterk weapon
LB Lightning Blade weapon
legs Leg armor
light Lightning talent
LLF Level Limit Free - item that does not have level requirement
luc Luck attribute
LS Long Sword talent
MA Magic Absorbtion (armor enchantment)
mag Magic attribute
manu Manufacturing skill
mass ML Big party going to Middleland to kill monsters for experience (can also be DV and other maps)
mcon Mana Convert (armor enchantment)
mer(ien) Merien talent / armor / Stone of Merien
MIM Mass Illusion Movement spell
ML Middleland map
MP Mana Points Recovery armor enchantment / just Mana Points
MR Magic Resistance (armor enchantment)
MS Mana Save item property
msip MP Siphon (weapon enchantment)
mstone Stone of Merien
neck Necklace
NOX Necklace of Xelima
PA Physical Absorbtion (armor enchantment)
para Paralysis spell
PC Pretend Corpse skill
PD Poison Damage weapon enchantment / Poison talent
PFA Protection from Arrows spell
PFM Protection from Magic spell
pit place which keeps spawning large numbers of single monster
plate (Knight) Plate Mail armor
PM (Knight) Plate Mail armor
poison Poison Talent / Poison Damage weapon enchantment
pot Potion
ppl People OR Pro Player (Player who plays very well)
PvM Player vs Monsters combat
PvP Player vs Player combat
raid Group hunt of players from enemy town
raider Player joining a raid
rb Rebirth of player character
regen Regeneration (of HP etc.)
rep Reputation of player character
RH Rocky Highlands map
ROA Ring of Abaddon
ROX Ring of Xelima
SOH Sword of Heavens
spy Allied player leaking information about your party to enemy town players
SS Short Sword talent
stat weapon/armor enchantment / character attribute
stone Stone of Merien / Stone of Xelima
str Strength attribute
summon Summon Creature spell
SW Silent Wood map
t3 Tower of Hell Level 3 map
t8 mob Monsters of 8th tier (Unicorn, Demon...)
trade rep tab Player wants to trade reputation, they minimized the game with alt-tab and wait for whisper notification
tw Tigerworm monster
uni Unicorn monster
vit Vitality attribute
war Player character built as a warrior (mainly melee)
ware Crystalware etc. (used to make magic gems)
wh Warehouse
xcal Excalibur weapon
xel(ima) Xelima weapon / talent / Stone of Xelima
xp Experience (armor enchantment)
xstone Stone of Xelima
zem Zemstone of Sacrifice
zerk Berserk spell