Commands and Hotkeys

From Helbreath Olympia Wiki
Revision as of 18:06, 19 July 2021 by Enguzrad (talk | contribs) (Cleaned up a bit, added some missing shortcuts/commands.)
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Drink potion hotkeys use big potion if available, otherwise they will use small one.

F1 Equip previous weapon Ctrl + F1 Open Help window
F2 Equip bound weapon/shield/spell Ctrl + F2 Bind weapon/shield/spell to F2
F3 Equip bound weapon/shield/spell Ctrl + F3 Bind weapon/shield/spell to F3
F4 Cast previously used spell Ctrl + 1..0 Open magic list on a specific page
F5 Character info Ctrl + R Run / Walk
F6 Inventory Ctrl + P Ask for party invite (click on players name on chat screen or player themself)
F7 Magic List Ctrl + A Toggle Auto Attack mode
F8 Skills Ctrl + S Toggle music and sounds
F9 Chat History Ctrl + D Change Detail Level (Low/medium/high)
F10 Guild info Ctrl + F Friend list
F11 Dialog Box Transparency Ctrl + H Freya
F12 Main Menu Ctrl + N Targeting neutral and ally
1 | Insert Drink Health Potion Ctrl + M Minimap
2 | Delete Drink Mana Potion Numpad - Minimap Zoom out
3 Drink Stamina Potion Numpad + Minimap Zoom in
4 | Home Toggle Safe Attack mode Tab Attack mode / Peace mode
Page Up Use item's special ability Esc Cancel cast spell
End Repeat last entered chat message Esc Cancel cast spell


To send message in certain channel, start it with appropriate character (e.g. type ! and then your message to send it to Global chat channel).
Default chat is local.

/who Online players and city balance ! Global chat
/showdps 1 Shows damage made in 1 second ~ Ally chat
/showkps Shows kills per second @ Guild chat
/joinparty <name> Joins a party with the players whos name you type (player must be in peace mode) $ Party chat
/checkrep Shows your Reputation. /to <player> Sets whisper mode to specified player (double click on player name in chat also works)
/rep+ Increase someone's reputation by 1. /tooff <player> Ignore messages from specified player
/rep- Decrease someone's reputation by 1. /tgt <player> Orders your summons to attack the player
/save Saves your character without logging out. /hold Holds your summons
/setpf Set your profile. Do not put your ID and PW inside here. /free Frees your summons