Players online: 268
- Fixes/Changes:
- Boots and Shoes will no longer lose endurance
- Fixed Kloness Wand not increasing damage with reputation
- Increased max angel upgrade from 10 to 15
- Important changes:
- Character town changes are now done with tickets, which can be made bound and fragile (temporary). A system has also been implemented to send fragile bound tickets to an entire guild to make it easier to move over guilds for balance.
- Fixed a couple of bugs causing client crashes
- Improved sound quality: volume is now set per sound played, rather than setting the volume for all sounds of that type. Additionally, more sounds can be played at once.
- Event changes:
- Heldenian Siege and Battlefield will now start at 3 different times of the day depending on the week
- Randomized spawn points for Astoria
- CTR will now teleport players back to base when a team scores a point
- Heldenian Siege defending side will now be the town that won the last siege, rather than alternate
- Adjusted Astoria damage and stun bonuses to outnumbered side
- Fixed active Heldenian causing players to not drop when killed in other maps
- Fixed Astoria altars not being properly centered
- Fixed Heldenian event winners not being logged (wasn't showing up on nation stats)
- Bow changes:
- Bow attacks from behind now reduce DR by 10% instead of 50%
- Reduced bow stun rate to 35% from 45%
- Decreased Crit bonus damage to 100%, down from 110%
- Decreased Crit bonus hit ratio to 100, down from 130
- Added bonus combo damage to bows: 1,2,4; up from 0,0,0
- Other changes:
- Majestics are now purchasable at the Cash Shop
- Killing a player 30 levels below you does not grant an EK any more (eg. a lvl 110 doesn't give an EK to a lvl 140, but a lvl 111 does)
- Targeting spells on yourself when there's someone above you is now easier
- Force disconnect now works by instantly kicking the connection from the player in-game and letting you in. This should fix most situations where players are unable to log back in until they've died. Note that this cannot be used to pull as the character will still remain in the game.
- Slightly increased very rare drops
- You are now able to move directly after entering a map
- DK Great Sword and DK Rapier will now glow at +8
- Improved weapon glows
- Removed Ares/Elv count from /who; will now display a % of active players on each town like /whoactive
- The symbol "#" will no longer be displayed when using it to chat normally while whispering. Other symbols like ! and @ will no longer add a space before the space
- Killing an ally with low damage (like with a wand) will now make you a criminal
- Can no longer delete mails with items in them
- Fixes:
- Fixed /tooff not working (whispers or global). Added /mute and /unmute as synonyms for /tooff and /toon, respectively
- Fixed some pits in d2 not spawning mobs (notably, the cyclops pit in lower left)
- Fixed bonus DR from manu armors not rounding correctly (eg. Knight Plate Leggings with 200% Completion had 22 DR instead of 23 DR)
- Fixed a client crash when bumping due to new camera code
- Fixed a client crash when mousing over an equipped Giant Sword. This may have also affected other items or sprites in other situation
- Fixed Hero Cape +1 not being dyable
- Fixed poison damage causing bodies to disappear when in pretend corpse
- Fixed DK weapon glow on male characters
- Fixed Blood Gem 19 showing 14% instead 19%
- Fixed withdrawing from guild not notifying player of being withdrawn in some cases
- Fixed some issues with char guild ids (eg. same guild name but different guild being considered the same guild)
- Changes:
- Attacking side on Heldenian Siege will now alternate every week
- Heldenian Battlefield will now have gates at the bridges until the event starts
- Heldenian siege defenders will now teleport to the castle when the gates have been breached
- Heldenian flags are no longer bound (they can be passed around)
- Changed Heldenian starting timer to 3 minutes from 5 minutes
- Fixed AoE spells like CK erasing Heldenian Flags (causing a server crash)
- Updated aresden d1 so that there are no more 1-square wide choke point
- Removed vertical screen shaking from spells
- Special zemstones no longer have a level requirement
- Increased auto-save to every 1 minuted instead of 3 to lessen the effect of rollbacks if server crashes happen
- Set minimum level of farm dungeons to 51 to prevent travellers getting in
- Fixes:
- Fixed kills that didn't count as EKs being logged as EKs, and fixed client taking screenshots of such kills
- Guild contribution list not working
- Fixed a crash with adding friends
- Changes:
- Bumps will now automatically and immediately reroute to destination and feel much less punishing
- Shift no longer targets dead NPCs. Pressing shift now 'hides' player corpses, so as to be able to see the item tooltip below
- Increased exp at level 140
- Added option to view guild donations in the guild menu (Currently not working. Will be in the next version)
- Added minimize button to windowed
- Added improved anti-cheats for speedhacking, full-swing hack, etc...
- Fixes:
- Fixed summons not damaging disconnected players with magic
- Fixed background sometimes not re-drawing when alt tabbing back into the game (ie. black background)
- Fixed notification for Heldenian starting soon
- Fixed Abaddon death causing a server crash
- Changes:
- Added item info tooltips when mousing over items on the floor while pressing Shift
- Increased exp at lvl 80-100 by 15%, lvl 120-140 by 33%, and lvl 140 by 20%
- Exp multiplier on armors increased from 4% to 5%
- Middle exp gear is now more common, and the maximum stat has been increased (before armors dropped from 12%-24%, now from 15%-40%)
- The command "checkrep" now provides you the time left to send
- Added character's total majestic counter (shows up on Top 100 Exp)
- Added Exp30 Shoes/Boots to Cash Shop for 24 Coins. Contact a GM if you want a refund for the Exp12 version
- Fixes:
- Ghost players appearing from the bottom of the screen.
- Minimized fullscreen game getting disconnected
- Fixed Icebound being considered an Apocalypse map (causing issues like not dropping from EKs, logging out recalling to town)
- Traderep command not processing the result
- Grid lines from /showgrid slightly overlapping
- Fading units still glitching
- Cursor not updating when switching back to hardwarecursor
- Hotfixes in 6.0:
- Fixed cursor getting incorrect tile position while moving (this made it hard to pick items and move precisely when clicking close to the player)
- Game now runs in background by default at low speed; The game will now automatically try to reconnect if the server goes offline/restarts
- Fixed shadows on spell text
- Rain sound now scales with how much it's raining (overall quieter)
- Fixed Selection cursor (catalysts/dyes/construction) not being properly centered
- Network rewrite:
- The network was entirely rewritten to provide better performance, reducing latency and lag spikes
- Major changes:
- MA is now more effective
- Activated Merien shield now disables logout, recalling (includes recall scrolls) and guild teleport
- Minor changes and fixes:
- Increased charges on Fragile Sword of Ice Elemental (100 -> 200)
- Fixed Direction Bow causing client crash when used on Ants
- Fixed Scroll of Renown not showing the amount of rep
- Attacking, casting a spell, and receiving damage will now cancel any on-going trade
- Fixed fragile items showing incorrect time left
- Disabled Raidmaster and Huntmaster bonus in arenas
- Fixed Gold Dye in Event Office being Yellow instead of Gold
- Fixed /rep showing incorrect message when name was not in the same case
- Fixed Armor Break reducing endurance self and player members, even if it didn't hit
- Major changes:
- Rewards for Event Tokens (earned during events) can now be exchanged at the City Hall's Event Officer.
Click here to see the list of rewards.
- Several options have been added to the launcher: windowed mode, multiple monitors fix, gore (sprites by Richtofen)
- Apocalypse starting time now alternates every week (Saturday: 7:30, 15:30, 23:30)
- Added a frozen effect indicator above units' heads (disable with /showfrozen or in the extended menu)
- Typing /ticket or /help in-game will take the player to our ticket support website
- Added Observer mode for Arena 1 and GM events
- Armor upgrades now grant +1 DR per upgrade
- Each point of Dexterity above 50 now grants 1.18 Hit Ratio instead of 1.25
- Minor changes and fixes:
- Added NPC's element and weakness element on spell Scan
- Fixed upgrading stated Hero Capes
- Fixed changing town or sex causing upgrades and stats to be lost on hero pieces
- Fixed Robes not getting additional endurance when upgraded
- A new party leader will be randomly assigned when the leader leaves the party
- Added big trees back into the game (hidden by default). They can be enabled in the Extended Menu or by typing "/bigtrees"
- Fixed blue dyes and frozen colour
- Increased DE Bow's damage(3d7+1 -> SM:2d10+0, L:3d10+1)
- Changed bonus damage on Kloness weapons (max damage: 20 -> 4d4 + 9)
- Fixed Liche neck showing MS20 instead of MS22
- Fixed some non-EKs (civilians, below 80, PKs) being logged as EKs
- Fixed a bug causing special ability to get stuck until relogging if the ability was enabled within 3 seconds of cooldown (activating too soon)
- Fixed Special Ability Items not being enabled when logging in if already equipped;
- Changed GM chat position to bottom right and colour to light purple
- Adjusted flying damage threshold on arenas to be adjusted with the damage multiplier
- If you disconnect while in Astoria, you will now be taken to the Command Hall, instead of town
- Fixed PR skill on F8 showing max as 100 instead of 70
- Fixed a few bugs causing mail transactions to get stuck
- Fixes:
- Fixed MR skill not being able to be trained
- Fixed requiring 100 EKs for Hero Cape Catalyst instead of 50
- Increased MS of Liche neck (20 -> 22)
- Major changes:
- Helbreath Olympia should now be fully compatible on Windows XP
- Capture the Relic now works with scores. Keeping the relic in your altar for 3 consecutive minutes will increase your nation's score by one, and reset the relic back to its original position at the center of the map. The first nation to reach 3 points wins
- Removed the auto-balance features in Astoria (damage bonus, reduction, and stun reduction should now be the same on both sides at all times)
- Added Hero Cape Catalyst (info)
- Increased Hit Ratio gained from each Dexterity point (1 -> 1.25)
- Increased Hit Ratio gained from each Magic point (1 -> 1.25)
- Reduced Hit Probability of Blood weapons (70 -> 55)
- Slightly reduced the effectiveness of medium-high and high MR and DR sets
- Changed reputation damage to cap at 400 reputation difference instead of 200, and changed the maximum damage from a flat +10 to 2d3+4
- Added toggleable tooltips in F8 for extended information on each skill
- Minor changes and fixes:
- Added Armor Sex Changer available at City Hall Olympia Services for 15 Olympia Coins
- /rep+ and /rep- now have a 60-minute cooldown per IP
- Fixed a few bugs related to staying dead for longer than 5 minutes (namely: abaddon thunder causing players to block a tile while dead, guildmaster summoning players while dead, speaking in global, not being able to be resurrected by Res Wand, aggroing monsters, receiving party exp
- Guildmaster is no longer able to summon guild members while in Pretend Corpse
- Fixed Manu items not getting bonus chances when upgrading
- Fixed armor break reducing endurance of armors in inventory on client
- Fixed total number of items in bag not appearing for miscellaneous items
- Fixed indirect damage (CK, summons) causing second drops on NPC to not drop
- Olympia Coins (item) can now be given to City Hall Officer (drag and drop on him) to put them on your account
- Fixed manu armors below 100% displaying an unusually large number as bonus manu DR
- Greatly increased the rate of special zems
- Increased stripping rate of Hammer (not all hammers, just Hammer)
- Changed Hammer damage from 3d7+1 to 3d8+0
- Fixed some items showing incorrect or swapped names (Magic Sapphire and Magic Emerald, Merien Plate, Kloness, ...)
- Fixed a bug causing old messages to not appear on Chat History (F9)
- Fixed Charged Wand's spell disappearing after un-equipping or stripping of any item
- Fixed mana cost for spells not displaying properly with Charge Wands's Mana Save
- Fixed "time to score" message not showing up when teleporting back to Astoria
- Added an option to disable Freya on F1 to Extended Menu
- Removed Sapphire Ring from drops, and no longer shows up as a rare (yellow)
- Fixed Shop crashing the client when opened twice
- Halloween:
- Beware at night! For those that are brave enough, they may find their efforts rewarded
- Greatly increased 1st drops (specially armors)
- Increased Abaddon rare drops
- Added elemental weaknesses and strengths on NPCs (normal spells and dynamic spells)
- See the Spell list and NPC list for info on each elements
- Decreased MA on high-MA mobs
- Increased MA on low-MA mobs (to compensate elemental bonuses)
- Changed Spike Field element to Air and increased damage on NPCs (2d4 -> 3d4)
- Full item info in-game:
- Clicking on any item will now give a full description of the item, such as Total DR, Total PA (includes bonus DR and PA, which will be shown in parenthesis), max endurance, strength required for full speed, required int for manuals, etc...
- Other changes and fixes:
- Higher guild upgrades on Huntmaster and Raidmaster now provides higher bonuses
- Increased Mage Hero Set Hit Prob bonus (10% -> 40%)
- Increased Hero Cap DR (12 -> 14) and PA (15% -> 17%)
- Increased Hero Robe DR and PA (20 -> 24)
- Charge Wand changes: Added 22 Mana Save, Adds +6 damage to charged spell, Now drops stated, Fixed physical hits not hitting full damage
- Spells are no longer removed when Int is lowered (due to angels or stat changes)
- Fixed spike field from preventing force recall when used against own team in enemy town
- Fixed spike field not dealing damage in peace mode
- Excluded Media keys from starting chat and other such non-ASCII keys
- Increased Rapier and Esterk damage
- Fixed event notifications lasting for 1 minute instead of 10 seconds
- Fixed manu armors taking all money on first repair after adding a socket gem
- Changes:
- Increased drop rate for both first and second drops
- Added warehouse organization features
- Increased max traded items to 8 per person
- Dex, armor defence, and defence ratio armors are now more effective
- Added ping and time since server re-upped to /who
- Increased DTS Shields' Health back up (120k -> 200k)
- Reduced repair prices for socketed armors
- Raised garden NPCS (350->400)
- Fixed hero armor repair being set at incorrect values (now same as knight armors)
- Changed all in-game commands to be case insensitive (including player names);
- Added Sex Change Potion to Olympia Services
- Added small hit prob to fencing crit (+5)
- Reduced hit prob on staff crit (50->20)
- Revamped item drop history. Now with drop options per-item and all items. Hold ctrl while dropping to bring up menu again
- Fixed some minor whispering glitches
- Fixed Charge Wands attack animation looking like bow attack
- Fixed several issues and sideline cases related to buying arrows
- Changes:
- Increased maximum chat length (64 -> 80)
- Huntmasters and Raidmasters no longer need to be in a party to gain their own bonuses
- Halved HP gained from Great Heal on Astoria Shields
- Reduced Astoria Shields Health to 120k
- Fix for raiders being able to use AoE dynamic effects (FF, FW, IS, PC, CK) to prevent force recall.
- Party map pings now clear upon changing map
- Added item descriptions for lucky gold ring, ancient tablets, magic jewels
- Changes:
- Fixed client lagging with a large amount of effects or objects in the screen.
Greatly improves network lag experienced during large events such as Destroy the Shield and Capture the Relic
- Modified Aresden town and Elvine town safezones to work only for the specific town members;
- Added safezones to Aresden and Elvine dungeon for the respective town
- Decreased Barbarian Battle Hammer's strip rate
- Summons now properly interrupt players from logging out / pulling
- Party leader is now shown to every party member
- Fixed bug with party color displaying wrong or not at all on minimap
- Reduced astoria event auto-balance bonus damage
- Changed shield's healing factor on Destroy the Shield from 200% to 80%
- Item upgrades on weapons with base bonuses will now appear after bonus rather than appearing as a sum.
For example, the Flameberge+1 will now appear as Flameberge+1+0, or Flameberge+1+1 when upgraded
- Added unlearn MIM to Olympia Coin Services
- Increased max character deletion level (80 -> 119)
- Set running mode to on by default
- Removed traveller selling items at half price compared to others
- Extended sell item list to allow sale of up to 50 items
- The degree symbol (° Shift and the key left of 1 on Argentinian Keyboards) now converts to ~ (Tilde) for the first character typed
- Minor adjustments to WH exit points
- Fixed Cyclops pits at the bottom of Dungeon Level 2
- Fixed unequiping two handed weapons not resetting attack speed
- Fixed some rare-occurring client crashes
- Changes:
- Fixed a bug related to selling wrong items
- Added small crit bonus to fencing
- Buffed Guards and made them immune to
Paralyze, as well as spawning with either
Clairvoyant or DoMP
- Increased first drop slightly
- Minor Catalysts and Zems are now more common
- Added Pink Dyes to Olympia Coin Services
and reduced Dye prices (15 -> 5)
- Added Majestics to Olympia Coin Services
- Fixed Mailing deleting items occasionally
- Prevented damages against own team mates
from delaying recall and force recall
- Prevented summoned NPCs, Cursade NPCs,
Guards and Abaddon from being runners
- Added detailed reasons for party join failure
- Fixed scrolling for party kick list
- Increased mining spawn rate from 25% to 38%
- Fixed gemwares incorrectly being repaired
- Fixed socket gems showing a % lower than intended
- Added Ctrl+Shift+P to withdraw from party
- Reduced mana for mass lightning arrow (55->53)
- Changes:
- Improved anti-hack systems
- Added bonus damage, damage reduction, stun
reduction to players and npcs of the side
with the least players in CTR and DTS events
- Added Battle Axe to Stalker drops
- Major changes:
- Fixed fast cast being too slow
- Fixed bag mess bug with relogging (items not getting properly synchronized with server)
- Wizard Cap is now Catalyzable
- Fixed drop cleaner not working properly and changed drops to disintegrate
within 8 minutes of being dropped, or 20 minutes if dropped by a player
- Added event schedule to Extended Menu (F12)
- Fixed party and guild member lists not getting received on relogging
- Fixed endurance not decreasing in PvM
- Fixed DM Wand not upgrading past +6
- Fixed a few bugs causing server crashes
- Fixed Apocalypse
- Rollbacks are now very unlikely to happen, even after a crash
- Charge wands are no longer rechargeable from blacksmith repair and have max charges of 200
(might still be able to get recharged with zems in an future patch)
- Raised max civilian level to 105
- Minor changes:
- Clarified minor and major catalyst's tooltips
- Delayed force recall if damage is taken in the last few seconds
- Increased skill training rate for staff
- Increased civ/trav protection time (18->20secs) and decreased resetting time (5mins->1min)
Civilians no longer dropp when killed by a player (unless crim)
- Anti-pulling and relog system:
If a player gets disconnected (due to lag or pulling), the character will stay in game for 10 seconds (this timer is reset if the player takes damage). While in this limbo state, the player can still reconnect immediately without having to resort to the 'force disconnection' system.
If you get disconnected in the middle of a fight, you can still reconnect to avoid dying while your character is disconnected in the limbo state. While disconnected, players receive only 1/4th of the damage they normally would, and are completely immune to NPCs
There is also an auto-relog system (enabled by default, or with /autorelog). If you get disconnected due to lag, the game will attempt to reconnect as soon as possible.
- Other changes:
- Removed Ettin pit in MLM and reduced MGs in ML
- Lowered overall 1st drops
- Changed physical non-stunning hits to be displayed, but without 'on-hit' animation
- Disabled Global Chat by default
- Fixed Alchemy, Crafting, and Manufacturing not working
- Increased exp gained at lvl 140 (x3 -> x3.6)
- Pressing escape now cancels any chat input
- Fixed Summon Creature
- Set party shared exp range to 60 tiles. Will share exp if you can fully see killer's party icon on zoomed-in minimap
- Increased civilian protection time
- Prevented civilians from being an EK or getting EKs
- Criminals can no longer see auras on town members
- Fixed food not giving increased regen
- Fixed incorrect experience rewards for quests
- Prevented anti-hack false positives
- Fixed some font colours
- Fixed some maps being unenterable
- Fixed remember username not working sometimes
- Fixed some minor whisper bugs
- Fixed range checks on attacks
- Fixed endurance bugs
- Increased Haste duration from 4 seconds to 6
- Doubled Haste speed bonus (from 12% to 24%)
- Reduced Mail cost per attached item from 350 to 150
- Updated all Exp14 to Exp21, and Exp7 Shoes to Exp14
- Services: Changed EXP20 Cape to EXP35 Cape; Exp10 Shoes/Boots to Exp14
- Provide 12% increased movement speed for 4 seconds
- 62 Intelligence, 60 Mana, 1x1 Radius
- Monsters that drop manual: Abaddon, Barlog, Beholder, Centaurus, Dark Elf, Demon, Ettin, Fire Wyvern, Gargoyle, Giant Lizard, Hellclaw, Liche, Master Mage Orc, Tigerworm, Unicorn, Wyvern
- New spell Fury of Thor:
- 182 Intelligence, 160 Mana, 5x5 Radius, Air Element
- Slightly more damage than Blizzard
- Available at the Wizard Tower for 8500 Gold
- Items:
- Increased drop rate
- Changed some item stats:
- Exp stat now drops from 21% to 42% instead of just 20%
- Gold stat now drops from 30% to 90% instead of just 50%
- Exp+% and Gold+% stat will now drop on armors as a first stat (example drop: Exp+20% MP21 Hauberk)
- Mana Converting stat's cap increased from 13% to 30%
- Mana Converting stat is now doubled on items (what used to be MC5% will now be MC10%)
- New item Charge Wand:
- A special wand that comes with 30 charges of a rare spell
- The required int from the spell needed to cast is needed to wield the weapon, and the mana used to cast it
- The wand is repairable for 3500 gold per charge at the blacksmith
- Monsters that drop: Abaddon (BSW, ESW, IMC, Cancel), Barlog (MIM, IS), Beholder (IMC, Cancel), Centaurus (Ice-Storm,BSW,Cancel,IMC,MIM,ESW),
Cyclops (Cancel), Demon (BSW), Fire Wyvern (BSW), Gagoyle (BSW), Giant Lizard (MIM,IMC), Helclaw (IMC,Cancel,MIM,Ice-Storm), Liche (MIM,IMC,Cancel), Minotaur (MIM,ESW),
Tigerworm (IMC,Cancel,ESW), Wyvern (Ice-Storm)
- New Special Zems:
- Zemstone of Fire: Performs a fire spell upon death
- Zemstone of Ice: Performs an ice spell upon death
- Zemstone of Rebirth: Performs resurrection on you upon death. Converts into a normal 1/3 Zemstone when used
- Zemstone of Cancel: Performs Cancellation on your killer upon death
- Special Zems take precedence over normal zems (they will drop first)
- Special Zems will drop like normal zems, at a lower rate
- New item Sword of Heavens:
- Special Ability that restores all HP when used, provides AMP and immunity to Cancel and Freeze
- 4d7+3 damage
- Monsters that drop: Abaddon, Centaurus, Fire Wyvern, Tigerworm, Unicorn, Wyvern
- New item Sword of Thirst:
- Heals you for 20% of damage dealt to your target.
- 2d14+3 damage
- Monsters that drop: Abaddon, Demon, Ettin, Fire Wyvern, Gargoyle, Minotaur
- Lowered Axes crits from +133% to +125% and dash damage from +33% to +25%
- Socket Gems now reduce endurance on manu items by 10%
- Slightly lowered endurance gained from item upgrades
- Socket Gems' prices are now added to repair prices (Repairing socketed items is now much more expensive)
- Scrolls no longer require mana to use and hands to be free
- Events:
- Added a 20,000 HP Shield on top of the relic in the Capture the Relic event. The shield must first be destroyed by both sides before picking up the relic
- Added a log for events on website, under "Statistics"
- Players on top of the relic will now have their invisibility removed
- Once the Relic is placed on the altar, only an enemy can grab it from the floor
- Gameplay:
- Doubled exp to 140 and slightly increased exp at 140
- Added a Character Simulator inside the Level Up dialog, as well as Extended Menu
- Typing "/r " in the chat (with the space) whispers the last person to have whispered the player
- Increased guards at town spawn points to 3
- Enlarged ToH 3 Gargoyle pit so they don't spawn on same spot
- Fixed becoming invincible after being hit by an NPC while in Pretend Corpse
- Fixed IceStorm not freezing NPCs
- Players kicked from party are blacklisted and can only get back in by asking leader
- Services:
- Added Special Zems
- Lowered price of Gold
- Lowered prices of Donation Sets
- Other:
- Fixed Guild Ranks not working properly
- Improved anti-cheating measures
- Fixed spell effects rarely showing up in Druncncity
- Fixed sending mails to non-existent players deleting mailed items
- Fix trading while full (e.g trading 3 items for 3 items when both full)
- Fixed Client not loading Icon properly
- Fixed a bug causing the server to crash during large crusades.
- Improved how EKs are logged, making it easier to spot EK lamers.
- Added a "Recent EKs" list on the website.
- Increased the HP of shields in the DTS event (40000 to 200000)
- Increased the security prevention from editing walking and running sounds.
- Doubled the amount of experience earned from 1 to 140. Experience for Majestic Points remains unchanged
- Significantly increased the rate of getting low and low-medium stated armors
- Doubled the drop rate of Zems
- Major Changes:
- Guards are now substantially stronger
- Fixed a bug causing the number of Guild Huntmasters and Raidmasters to become bugged
- Slightly increased overall 1st drop rate
- Significantly decreased the chances of getting a non-stated armor
- Minor Changes:
- Decreased the size of the safezone in Middleland Mine
- Increased the number of monsters in Middleland
- /setpf now works correctly
- Fixed abaddon thunder in Abaddon map not working properly
- Angels are now displays as invisible when the player is invisible
- Added warehouse bank tabs
- Major Changes:
- Endurance reductions now get updated in real time (Melee hits, Armor Break, Meteor Strike and Ruby/Emerald Rings)
- AMP can no longer be cast on top of PFM
- GDS can no longer be cast on top of DS
- Added low FPS mod for increased performance when lots of effects are visible
- Added server time on F12
- Summon Creature no longer interferes with Apocalypse gates
- Bound items can no longer be dropped, given, or traded (includes 'giving' to anyone but the Warehouse Keeper)
- Captain, Huntmaster, Raidmaster is now removed upon logout and restored upon login if rank is available.
- Minor Changes:
- Fixed escape not canceling logout
- Using a Sex Change Potion now automatically un-equips all armors before use
- Hero sets now change automatically when you change nation or sex
- Down skill is now set to handattack by default
- Improved the visual effect of Abaddon Thunder
- Recalls scrolls no longer get used when unable to use from moving/damage
- Prevented use of arena tickets when damaged/moving
- Fixed trying to equip someone else's bound item not unequipping properly
- Major Changes:
- Increased security prevention from editing game files
- You must now wait 5 seconds without moving to use a recall scroll
- Fixed guild player summoning crashing the guild master
- Guards are now stronger
- Casting poison spells no longer summons any guards
- Fixed dead players being attacked/aggro-ed by mobs on some occasions
- Tripled the spawn rate of unicorns in Garden
- The holder of the relic in Capture the Relic event now takes 50% increased damage
- Minor Changes:
- Fixed getting damage while Merien shield is active on some occasions
- Fixed a bug causing the client to crash when trying to paste empty data
- Increased Party list to display up to 14 people at once
- Fix for criminals not going straight to jail
- Major Changes:
- Increased damage for direct hits with Meteor Strike
- Roofs now appear translucent while under them (Can toggle on/off in extended menu)
- Giving an item to a player will no longer reveal their name during crusade or while illusioned
- Slightly lowered stun duration to help ease chain stunning situations
- Restricted travellers to default zones (Beginner zone, blacksmith, barracks) and town cityhalls
- Civilians can now only go in farm maps or cityhall, any other teleports are rejected or go between farm and cityhall
- Increased difficulty of crafting socketing gems
- Minor Changes:
- Minimap now shows player name when you put your mouse over their icon
- Moved town WH teleport target 1 square to the right to help WH blockage situations
- Increased Mass Lighting Arrow damage to better put it more in line with other spells
- Improved GM commands for events
- Reduced max civilian level back to 80
- Endurance damage is now dealt to own town members in bleeding island
- Small increase in manastone mana regeneration (5->6 per tick) to help speed up Crusade
- Using magic scrolls no longer triggers the hack detection
- Fixed Apocalypse gates appearing in incorrect maps
- Major Changes:
- Fixed a bug where force recall on opposite town was not being set correctly
- Use pot delay changed to 0.15 seconds from 0.5 seconds
- Minor Changes:
- Removed Relog/Anti-Pulling due to it causing problems
- Moved pickaxe to blacksmith
- Raised max civ level to 90
- Party no longer stops damage to people in party when illusioned
- Prevented summons from doing physical damage to civilians
- Fixed competition percentage not showing on gem wares
- Rearranged a snake, slime and scorp pit in Aresden to better match Elvines layout.
- Decreased the level limit on DM5 Necklace from 140 to 120 and RM30 from 130 to 120
- Raised level limits on dungeon lvl 3 (50->80) and dungeon lvl 4 (60->90)
- Fixed required guild upgrade contribution not displaying correctly
- Added a /blockexp command (also toggleable from F12's extended menu). This feature prevents the players from earning exp when activated (useful for staying in Promiseland)
- Changed how logging out / getting disconnected works. If a player gets disconnected (due to lag or pulling), the character will stay in game for 10 seconds (this timer is reset if the player takes damage). While in this limbo state, the player can still reconnect immediately without having to resort to the 'force disconnection' system. If you get disconnected in the middle of a fight, you can still reconnect to avoid dying while your character is disconnected in the limbo state
- Added an Automatic Relogging feature upon connection lost (enabled by default, disable with /autorelog or at F12's Extended Menu)
- Improved the anti-cheating mechanisms
- Using potions now has a constant delay of 0.75 seconds per potion instead of being latency-based delay (awaiting the server's response to use another potion)
- Players:
- Fixed Civilian damages to be none to or from Civilians, except when target is a criminal or during Crusade
- Tabbed notification now flashes on whispers rather than name being mentioned
- Safe mode no longer prevents damage when illusioned
- Readded automatic insertion of ^ @ # % $ characters when pressing enter
- Added IP check for EKs, preventing laming EKs for people on the same connection
- Arrows are now easier to see when shot
- Chat commands (including player names on /to) are no longer case sensitive
- Added Minimap Zoom to F12's menu
- Added notifications for unread mail upon login and displaying a star (*) for unread mails at the Mailbox
- Getting up from Pretend Corpse while a player is on top will no longer disconnect the player
- Spells:
- Reduced Blizzard's damage
- Maps/Quests:
- Increased the level required to enter Dungeon Lv2 to 70 from 40
- Moved Helbound EF/RH quest to SW/DV
- Other:
- Crusade summons can no longer be used in enemy town
- Fixed several server crashes and exploits
- Fixed Attack Ratio not updating when using a weapon manual
- Lowered drop rate
- Teleports to scheduled events in Astoria (Capture the Relic, Destroy the Shield) are now fully functional
- Added back Civilian mode
- Items:
- Lowered stun chance of bows to 45% from 65%
- Fixed DK weapons not being able to be upgraded
- Increased damage of DK weapons
- Increased max level of Promiseland to 51 to prevent Travellers from entering
- Double-clicking on slate pieces will now insert them in the slate-making dialog
- Added a total item count on inventory (x/50)
- Players:
- Fix for being able to cast spells with shield on certain occasions
- Fixed Paralyze still being active after death on certain occasions
- Increased required level of Promiseland to 51 to prevent Travellers from entering
- Becoming a town citizen now removes all Enemy Kills
- Travellers can no longer fight non-travellers
- Pits:
- Replaced the 2 Cyclops pits in Dungeon level 2 to 1 larger square one
- Changed ettin pit in middleland to similar to stalkers (around river)
- Added a random mob generator to Middleland
- Guild:
- Reduced costs of guild upgrades
- Other:
- Several quest changes (increased max cont, lowered gold, ...)
- Improved anti-hack measures
- Improved server crash analyzer
- Temporarily disabled target pinging with middle click until fully fixed/adjusted
- Reduced prices of most donation Services at the City Hall
- Fixed some shop items not displaying the correct prices
- Fixed some minor chat bugs
- New Chat Log System (F9): Click once on Chat Type to toggle display, double click to display that Chat Type only
- Added automated Donate Events which will be announced in game, requiring 5 donation Tokens to get in
- Guild:
- Captains are now able to change other guild member's ranks (can't change Captains)
- Captains are now able to select Commander
- Guildmasters are now able to select Soldier and Constructor
- Items:
- New Item: Scroll of Renown (x) - Adds x amount of reputation points when used (currently only given at events)
- Mailbox:
- Fixed mails without attachments being sent twice
- Fixed issues when withdrawing item attachment with full bag
- Fixed items remaining disabled after attaching items to an mail but cancelling the mail
- Other:
- Added ability to change any number of stat points with majestic points instead of 3 by 3
- Fixed bumps to prevent double bumps
- Fix for player being able to hit invisible team mates
- All trees are now small despite detail level
- Fixed not being able to talk while some dialogs were up (Mailbox, Guild, ...)
- Fixed getting incorrect amounts of reputation with the reputation donation Service
- Critical and footsteps effects now show on all detail levels
- New Mail system with item attachments!
- New Guild Message Board in guild menu!
- Added a total Enemy Kills count
- Items:
- Fixed not being able to receive angel when there is a teleport available at command hall
- Fixed upgrading Hero capes to +1
- Possible zem bug fix
- Fixed trading back donation Tokens for donation Points
- Slightly raised the damage of Giant Battle Hammer
- Other:
- Fixed getting gold as reward for quests
- Fixed a login error causing some players to have to try to login several times before actually being logged in
- Fixed occasional blank lines appearing in Chat History (F9) with some messages
- Changed /showalldmg default setting to true
- Minor server performance improvements
- Quests:
- A quest list has been added to the City Hall Officer
- A few new quests have been added
- Items:
- Kloness Neck now works correctly (max bonus damage of +15)
- Kloness Weapons damage increased (15 -> 25)
- Stormbringer now requires 65 Int to wield
- Spells:
- Reduced duration of Massive Illusion Movement to 25 seconds from 40, and of Illusion movement from 30 seconds to 20
- Donation Services:
- Donation points can now be converted into a stackable Donation Tokens item, which can be traded with other players, and converted back to Donation points at the city hall
- Converting a spell to a manual can now be done automatically in the city hall, instead of manually by an admin
- Events:
- A new type of event, Soccer, can now be generated by Game Masters
- Other:
- Fixed client crash in Druncncity
- Using skills makes you unable to log out
- Crusade teleport function cannot be used after getting damage within 15 seconds
- Added analyzing and logging tools to analyze the problem with connection lost upon logging in
Fixed a bug causing stated armor drops not to go past 14% and increased armor drops
- Items:
- Added a diminishing returns formula for Magic Absorb (eg. 30 MA will be reduced to 28 effective MA; 50 to 40; 80 to 57; 124 to 80 [max])
- Other:
- Reverted chat zones. ! is now global
- Items:
- Armor drop rate has been more than doubled!
- Slight increase in overall drop rate
- There is now chance that gems will be deleted when failing to craft something using them. There's a higher risk for crafting higher items
- Gem drop rate from mining has been decreased
- Spells:
- Spell manuals no longer get erased when using them without correct int or if it's already been learnt
- Reducing intelligence by removing int angel will now remove spells that you don't have correct int for
- Spells removed by reducing intelligence are now updated to client instantly
- Client:
- Fixed issue with warehouse crashing client
- Dragging an item from the character screen to inventory button no longer places the item in bag randomly; it now returns to its previous position
- Fixed issues with buying spells from wizard tower
- Other:
- Global chat has been separated into aresden maps, elvine maps, and other maps
- Crusades now automatically finish with a draw after 2 hours
- Berserk npc damage has been reduced to 1.6x, down from 2x
- Force disconnecting an account that has no one on will now happen immediately. So "Account in use" should only last a few seconds.
- Illusion effect removed after being in illusion event
- Client:
- New extended menu for many commands
- New option to disable windows key in extended menu
- New mute(/tooff) list now available, open from extended menu
- New control: Ctrl+N for automatically targetting neutral and friendly targets
- Added ability to toggle manufacturing auto-fill from the manu dialog
- Added hero armor effects
- Stopped the excessive notification of apocalypse events
- Numerous fixes to button positions
- Accidentally dragging an item 1 pixel while trying to use it(double clicking) will now use the item
- Fixed issue where guild bank was incorrectly scrolling after depositing item
- Items:
- New "Repair all" feature in blacksmith
- Added ability to buy any number of arrows regardless of slots free in bag (Still effected by weight)
- Stopped endurance damage and stripping while merien shield is activate
- NPCs:
- Stopped IGs from killing themselves
- Abaddon's Earth-Shock-Wave now causes damage
- Removed berserk effect from crusade NPCs (Graphical change only)
- Berserked monsters now do double damage
- Berserked monsters now give double experience
- Other:
- The no-recall message now correctly displays after trying to recall when recently damaged and not when casted elsewhere
- Disabled ability to chat in guild while chat is diabled in events
- You now get force recalled from apocalypse maps after being logged out for 3 minutes
- Logins should be slightly faster
- Fixed mute(/tooff) list not loading correctly
- New event: Destroy the Shield
- Items:
- Added crafting of Socket Gems
- Excalibur and Xelima weapons are now upgradeable
- Added Kloness effect. The bonus damage is calculated as (attacker reputation - enemy reputation) / 18, with a maximum bonus of 15
- Guild:
- Stackable items can now be withdrawn correctly from the Guild Warehouse
- Captains can no longer ban the Guildmaster
- Fixed new guilds occasionally not saving properly (vault reset to 0)
- Other:
- Removed the Honor system
- Fixed a bug causing wrong players to get added into a party
- New Guild System
- New Socketing System
- Added Apocalypse
- Items:
- Shield PA is now ignored when attacked from behind
- Slightly increased damage and hit probability of dashing and criticals with Axes
- Increased endurance loss per hit with Axes
- Shields now absorb 80% of endurance loss when worn
- Ruby and Emerald rings now have they endurance reduced by amount of damage absorbed (10% and 20%, respectively) instead of total damage
- Adjusted Ring and Emerald ring endurance (18k->9k, 13k->5k)
- Increased hitratio of dashes and crits on Long Swords
- Changed how righteous works. The damage is now added as (attacker reputation - enemy reputation) / 20, with a maximum bonus of 10
- Fixed dropping items when killed even while having a zem in bag on very rare occasions
- Removed Bleeding Island scrolls
- Magic:
- Spike Field now works correctly on monsters
- Fixed Protection From Arrow not working against Arrow Guard Towers
- Damage dealt by dynamic spells to monsters and players are now shown correctly (one damage for all dynamic effects, instead of several)
- Absolute Magic Proteciton now overrides Protection from Magic, and Greater Defense Shield overrides Defense Shield (timer is reset)
- AOE spells now do AOE damage on large NPCs
- Increased PFM absorption (50% -> 55%)
- Mass Ice Strike: Decreased req int(133->115), mana(120->110), increased frozen length duration (7->12)
- NPCs:
- Increased number of unicorns in gardens
- Improved NPC movement AI
- Dead and dying monsters and players are now selectable by the mouse only if Shift is being pressed
- Removed the 7-liche pit in Dungeon Level 2
- Increased spawn time on IGs and Ogres
- Events:
- Crusade units are now only summonable in Middleland, Aresden, and Elvine
- Fixed Crusade War units reaching limit when it didn't
- Mobs in Middleland no longer respawn during Crusade
- Halved the mana required for Crusade Meteor Strike
- Commands:
- /showtime, shows a seconds counter
- Other:
- Contribution and Reputation now affect first drops
- Improved hack detection
- Moving will now cancel the log out count
- Arrows can no longer be sold (fixes a Gold exploit)
- Travellers with EKs (Barracks Raiders) can no longer acquire citizenship
- Fixed some manufacturing recipes errors
- New: Honor system
- Fix: Disconnection when manufacturing too fast
- Fix: One-handed weapons swinging full speed with any strength
- New: Added more quests with contribution rewards of up to 1300
- New: New characters will have to wait 3 hours before they can /rep+ or /rep- and be at least level 45 (previously 15)
- New: Added Wizard Cap, Wizard Hat, Wings Helm and Horned Helm to drops
- Change: Increase game's speed (while running, etc...)
- Change: Lowered endu damage and strip chance on hammers
- Change: Prevented Cityhall Officer from handing DK weapons if the player already has that weapon
- New speed hack detection (fixes false positives)
- Increased chance of dropping Mithral
- New Donation services are available in game(Slates, Zemstones, Stone of Xelima, Stone of Merien)
- Change: Donation Helms/Hats now increase 14 HP/MP
- Server was wiped of all items, except for angels, Dark Knight/Mage weapons
- Removal: Dark Knight/Mage armors
- Change: Absolute Magic Protection now immunizes against Inhibition Magic Casting
- Fix: Hero set bonuses now work correctly
- Fix: Endurance increase on manufactured items
- Fix: Resurrection wand now works (100int, 100mag requirement)
- Change: Disabled crusade teleport when in enemy town
- Fix: Cape attributes not being retained when upgraded
- Fix: GMG mana not reducing when attacked
- Fix: Crusade losers being told they are the winners
- Fix: Crusade mana not being reset, causing early Meteor Strikes in following Crusade
- Fix: Some players being wrongly detected as hackers and banned to Bleeding Island
- Change: Increased time allowed while DC before reconnecting to arena (15sec -> 18sec)
- New: Added Crusade event occurring at 7 PM on Thursdays and 1 PM on Sundays (CDT, UTC-6)
- Change: Lowered endurance damage by 5 on each hammer
- Change: Xneck Hit prob (100->160) Mer neck def(70->80) SG neck def(35->40)
- Fixed: Ice storm not freezing
- Fix: /showalldmg crashing and concatenating to different chat msgs (spells, chat...)
- Improvement: Faster loading at startup and in-game speed improvements
- Change: Capture the Relic event times (Wednesday: 8->10 PM, Saturday: 11->1 PM)
- Fix: Recalling with relic on bag not dropping the relic
- New: Timestamping chat. /timestamp to toggle
- New: /ekscreenshot command for automatic screenshot upon Enemy kill
- Change: Fix: Changed weapon damages on Blood Sword, Dark Executor and Demon Slayer
- Change: Increased bonuses for Lightning blade and Dark Executor at day/night
- Change: Increased bonuses for Demon Slayer vs Demons
- Change: Hammer and Armour break now does full endu damage in arena to same town
- Change: Changed pits in middleland
- New: Added /notifyme command to notify you're when tabbed out and someone says your name
- Fix: Maj donation service giving 1 Maj per LP instead of 2
- Fix: Honor occasionally not changing
- New: Added functionality to automatically fill required items for manufacturing. Type /manufill to toggle.
- Changed: Increased rock spawn rate
- New: Ctrl+p on player to request party
- New: Magic shop now shows mana cost of spells
- Fix: Startup items being occasionally put in warehouse instead of bag
- Changed: Player names colours back to green for allies, red for foes and blue for travelers
- New: A prize has been added to the Capture the Relic event. Players from winning nation
are now able to teleport to Middleland through their City Hall at the cost of 2,500 Gold.
- Change: Direction Bow now only has 75% chances of hitting anything in-between and
a 50% chance of hitting the target twice if there is nothing in-between target and player
- Change: Reduced Magic Absorption on Demons and Gargoyles
- Change: Recall is now allowed when attack mode is disabled in arena
- Fixed a crashing bug upon logging a character
- Can now mine without holding down Ctrl while clicking
- Reduced time spent on immobility after being bumped
- Fixed a crashing bug that would occasionally happen while pressing Ctrl+T
- Removed Istria. Istria players will have to choose between Aresden and Elvine at login
- Modified 2nd drops (most of them increased and added items or removed unnecessary ones)
- Added ctrl+click on minimap recall points to set next recall point
- Re-enabled astoria's CTR event
- Added astoria's relic position on minimap
- Increased party limit to 25
- Music and Sound settings saved after game restart
- Both reputation and contribution affecting drops
- Added /showalldmg toggling command, to show all damages done by spells such as blizzard
- Reduced DK GS damage
- Reduced repair cost on MerienShield, Blood weapons
- Necklace Of Stone Golem: 25->35 def
- Necklace of Merien: 50->70 def
- Increased sells prices on Alchemy Parts
- Reduced times that some NPCs' dead bodies take to disappear
- Replaced the server's Network Adapter to help fix the lag and disconnects
- Fix for Relic holder not dropping relic in Astoria if killed by an ally
- Added notification upon login of Astoria event if event is currently being held
- Fixed for Berserk slate not working if you're already Berserked
- Fixed the speed increase with tab glitch
- Added skill validation and correction to adjust skill percentages that are too high because of stat changing
- Fixed Xelima neck and magic jewels
- Removed drops for AGT,CGT,DT
- Removed Special Abilities from Construction Kits
- Automatically Delete structures after Astoria events
- Fixed not being able to summon after summon death
- Allowed food to be cast even with attack mode disabled on event
- Fix for getting stuck when trying to PC and move
- Fix for Red slates (Invincibility)
- Fix for AMP occasionally acting like PFA
- Increased armor drops with 2 stats
- Increased delay between mob actions (chiefly movement)
- Removed DK Hammer
- Set Sharp and Ancient stat back to +1 and +2 dice faces
- Added a tile grid (activated by /grid or /showgrid)
- Added a command to toggle big items on ground (/bigitems)
- The following preferences are now saved after client restart: /fps, /showgrid, /bigitems, Detail Level, Party Auto Accept
- Lowered costs of Weapons and Armors in shop
- Divided Spell learning costs by 5
- Greatly decreased damage done by Wyverns
- Added option to automatically accept party requests (in Party dialog)
- Cannot para players in same party
- Wyverns now only spawn as clairvoyant rather than Anti Physical/Magical
- Restricted repping from same IPs
- Set Armor Break to reduce 20 endurance from items instead of 15
- Hid unused skills (????s) in skill list
- Fix for building structures in Astoria
- Armor break range changed to 3x3 instead of 1x1
- Remove Mag requirement on Donation Hat
- Fixed Ice Golems not hitting
- Fixed Spell ranges
- Fixed not being able to enter aresden and elvine cathedral
- Fixed Relic's aura appearing on players with no full swing
- Construction Kits for Astoria events buyable from Blacksmith
- Added new map (Astoria)
- Added new event in Astoria (Capture the Relic) occurring at 6 PM on Monday, 3 PM on Wednesday and 8 AM on Saturday (Central Time, GMT/UTC-6)
- Prevented players from entering enemy buildings
- Max skill points set to 900 instead of 700
- Fixed minimap showing up party members that are on a different map
- Firebow no longer produces fire in safe zones (including buildings)
- Dynamic spells (Firewall, CK, etc) no longer work in Istria
- Fixed shield. Shield reduction is applied after armor reduction, not at same time
- Deactivated shield stripping
- Fixed PKs not showing up correctly
- Now can only recall 10 second after taking damage
- Changed /tooff and /toon to allow muting of multiple people and saving for next login
- Fixed poison/zerk bug on Travellers causing crashes
- Fixed trade
- Fixed not being able to repair expensive items such as Merien Shield
- Increased max party members to 12
- Changed item upgrade chance to standard percentages
- Made Ice elemental sword upgradeable
- Made items upgradable to +3 without the chance of losing
- Deactivated Energy sphere
- Fix for armour/cape colour bug when logging in
- Fixed illusioned players seeing invisible foes
- Fixed illusioned party members showing on minimap
- Deleted Fire Bows
- Removed Composite Bows from drops
- Lowered DK weapons damage
- Upped rare items' damage
- Reduced damage on Blizzard
- Reduced damage on DK Hammer and DK Swords.
- Set DKHammer stripping rate to same as BH;
- Fixed a glitch that enabled players to run too fast
- Fixed Ice Elemental Necklace not working against monsters like Frosts
- Lucky gold ring set to 40% chance of save from death, and only takes 1hp instead of all but 1
- Fix for 0hp NPCs being alive and invincible till they regen
- New shield system (37.5% of hitting shield with 20% Shield skill, 75% for 100% shield)
- Shield hits only absorb damage based on shield PA
- PA on shields raised
- Added Illusion effect over character head
- Changed the stun rate formula on NPCs
- Fixed the map cleaner
- Fix for Ice ele not working against frost. Very likely fixes the guard freezing issue as well
- Increased SlimJelly drop (20%)
- Fixed blood items getting +70hp
- Position of Party members are now displayed on the minimap
- Fixed the 100 rep donation service
- Added music for istria (optional download on site(coming soon))
- Added Istria quests
- Fixed upgrading angel after +10 and success rate set to 100%
- Fixed safe zones in Istria and Istria buildings
- Action times reduced for all monsters
- Fixed NPCs casting magic too quickly
- Increased Ettins' HP
- Berserk set to last 60 seconds instead of 40.
- Fixed purchasing spells on travellers
- Spaced out Ogre pit in ML at 440, 360
- 7 Beholders pit in TOH3 changed to 8 Dark Elves pit
- Direction Bows made to hit human players 1 time normal and 2 times on crits
- Firebow no longer creates fire when shooting next to you
- Getting a majestic point now reduces the exp required for 181, instead of setting the player's exp to 180's, and thus not losing any experience
- Fixed dropping or not getting item with Donation services when full
- Reduced probability of necklace crafting recipes
- Added a Real FPS counter (Helbreath's old counter showed incorrect values)
- Player description shows up as their nation's colour
- Donation services added: HP7 Donation Hat, MP7 Donation Helm, and Reputation points
- Bleeding Island ticket labeled as 100 gold cost instead of 330
- Added middleland's minimap white dots for Istria
- Fixed summons showing up as enemy to friendly players
- MIM changed to last 40 seconds
- MIM changed to not target friendly players (if ares casts it, only tgs elv)
- Fixed the map and sprite issues
- Fixed mana regen on NPCs
- Fix for crash in command hall when fire bowing NPC
- Angel upgrades displaying right maj required
- Max upgrade for angels set to +15
- Fixed AFKFlag setting player as traveler
- Added a third nation (Istria). Entrance is on the left of middleland.
- Added an auto-map cleaner. Items dropped from monsters disappear after 15 minute (2nd drops and items dropped from players disappear after 30 minutes).
- Non economical skills achieved faster (Half the time it currently takes to get 100%
- Increased Blizzard damage
- Dire Boar pit reduced in number / spaced out so players can kill
- Raid Times: 1 minute on Monday to Thursday, 1 hour Friday to Sunday
- Donation point services through City Hall. (Donation points are acquired by donating. Click here for more info)
- Donation Hats for Mage : MP7/HP7 golden indestructible wizard hat, bound to character
- Donation Hats for Warrior : HP7/MP7 golden indestructible winged helmet, bound to character