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Armor Attributes

Defense Ratio (DR)

Defense Ratio armor makes the wearer harder to be hit by physical attacks. 2 DR points is equal to 1 extra point of Dexterity (only counts for evading attacks not your own accuracy).

Magic-Resistance (MR)

Magic-Resistance armor makes the wearer less prone to be hit by magic attacks. To really see any significant difference, you need to have at least 180 MR points with all your armor combined.

HP Recovery (HP)

Recovers your HP more by the % value of the armor. Ex: 21% HP recovery hauberk would make you gain health points by 21% more HP at a time.

MP Recovery (MP)

Recovers your MP more by the % value of the armor. Ex: 42% MP recovery Leather Armor would make you gain mana points by 42% more MP at a time.

Magic Absorbtion (MA)

Magic Absorbtion armor will absorb magic attacks directly into the armor, so the wearer will take less damage. *Note* MA armor does stack based on how much of it you have on total with all your armor %'s combined. Ex: You get hit -100 magic damage but your armor is 50% MA, you only take 50 damage. There is a max of 80%

Physical Absorbtion (PA)

Physical Absorbtion armor will absorb physical attacks directly into the armor, so the wearer will take less damage.*Note* PA does not stack. The damage is removed according to the PA on the part that is hit. Ex: You get hit -100 physical damage that hit's a 21% PA armor you are wearing, you will only take 21 damage less than you would otherwise (In built PA, Shields, Msheilds, etc also reduce damage).

Upper Body Armor

Protection for the chest and the upper limbs this armor is typically associated with warriors, but is also used very effectively by mages. Armors have been used throughout history, beginning with hides and different leathers before progressing to bronze, then steel during the Middle Ages. Some upper body armor that are dropped by monsters may carry extra attributes listed at the top of this page.

Name DefensePhys. Abs.EndurancePriceReq.
Hauberk 8 10% 300 200 None
Knight Hauberk 12 14% 1000 600 Level 70
100 Dexterity
Wizard Hauberk 12 14% 1000 600 Level 90
100 Magic
Leather Armor 10 11% 400 300 15 Strength
Scale Mail 20 20% 600 400 20 Strength
Chain Mail 30 32% 1000 600 30 Strength
Plate Mail 37 40% 3000 1000 100 Strength
Knight Plate Mail 40 42% 3500 2000 Level 85
100 Strength


Robes are usually only worn by mages, and are also considered a type of armor. Normal Robes can be dyed different colors, Wizard robes cannot be dyed however. Unlike other armors, Robes are bought at the shop instead of Blacksmith's.

NameDefensePhys. Abs.EndurancePriceReq.
Robe 12 14% 3000 500 100 Magic
Wizard Robe 12 18% 3000 750 Level 80
100 Magic


NameDefensePhys. Abs.EndurancePriceReq.
Helm 7 10% 1500 300 52 Strength
Full Helm 10 20% 2000 500 85 Strength
Knight Full Helm 12 22% 2000 800 85 Strength
Wing Helm 15 22% 2500 1000 Level 100
130 Strength
Horned Helm 17 24% 3500 1200 Level 120
160 Strength
Mage Cap 7 10% 500 375 Level 90
110 Magic
Wizard Hat 10 16% 800 750 Level 120
130 Magic

Lower Body Armor

Lower Body armor, just like Upper Body Armor, is typically associated with warriors, but is also used very effectivly by mages. Some lower body armor that are dropped by monsters may carry extra attributes listed at the top of this page.

NameDefensePhys. Abs.EndurancePriceReq.
Chain Hose 7 12% 500 200 10 Strength
Plate Legs 12 20% 1000 400 20 Strength
Knight Plate Legs 15 22% 1100 800 Level 80
20 Strength


Just like armors some shields that are dropped by monsters may carry extra attributes listed at the top of this page. Shields cannot be used with two-handed weapons.

Name Defense Phys. Abs. Endurance Price Req. Description
Wood Shield 8 5% 700 25 8 Strength -
Leather Shield 10 6% 700 50 10 Strength -
Targe Shield 13 8% 1000 75 18 Strength -
Scooterm Shield 16 10% 1000 125 20 Strength -
Bronze Shield 18 12% 1000 175 20 Strength -
Iron Shield 22 14% 1000 250 25 Strength -
Lagi Shield 26 17% 1400 325 30 Strength -
Kite Shield 30 20% 1400 450 32 Strength -
Tower Shield 35 23% 1400 575 40 Strength -
Merien Shield 50 33% 2500 Sold for 80,000 Level 55
40 Strength
Special ability:
Invincible for 60 seconds