Armours | Rares |
Plate Mail(M) Plate Mail(W) Hauberk(M) Hauberk(W) Ring Hose(M) Ring Hose(W) Tower Shield
| Uncommon Plate Leggings(M) Plate Leggings(W) Stone of Xelima Stone of Merien Magic Necklace(DF+10) Magic Necklace(MS10) Magic Necklace(DM+1) Ring of Ogre power Ring of Wizard Ruby Ring Magic Wand(M.Shield) Ring of Demon power Ring of Mage Ring of Dragon Power
Rares Emerald Ring Ring of Grand Mage Vortex Gem Haste Manual Charge Wand (Inhibition-Casting) Charge Wand (Cancellation) Necklace of Merien Necklace of Earth Protection Magic Necklace(HR+60) Sword of Heavens Merien's Shield Hat of Divinity(M) Hat of Divinity(W) Merien's Plate Mail(M) Merien's Plate Mail(W) Ring of the Xelima Necklace of Xelima Inhibition Magic Casting Manual Ring of Arch Mage Necklace of Earth Elemental Necklace of Medusa Xelima's Axe Xelima's Rapier Xelima's Blade Giant Battle Hammer
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