Armours | Rares |
Plate Mail(M) Plate Mail(W) Hauberk(M) Hauberk(W) Ring Hose(M) Ring Hose(W) Tower Shield
| Uncommon Plate Leggings(M) Plate Leggings(W) Stone of Xelima Stone of Merien Magic Necklace(DF+10) Magic Necklace(MS10) Magic Necklace(DM+1) Ring of Ogre power Ring of Wizard Ruby Ring Magic Wand(M.Shield) Ring of Demon power Ring of Mage Magic Necklace(HR+45) Ring of Dragon Power
Rares Emerald Ring Haste Manual Charge Wand (Inhibition-Casting) Charge Wand (Mass-Illusion-Movement) Charge Wand (Ice-Storm) Ring of Grand Mage Charge Wand (Cancellation) Magic Necklace(HR+60) Merien's Shield Hat of Divinity(M) Hat of Divinity(W) Necklace of Ice Protection Sword of Ice Elemental Necklace of Merien Necklace of Xelima Necklace of Medusa Necklace of Ice Elemental
| |