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Rares |
Uncommon Stone of Xelima Stone of Merien Scroll of Renown Unlearn Talent Ticket Ring of Wizard Ring of Dragon Power
Rares Vortex Gem Charge Wand (Ice-Storm) Charge Wand (Inhibition-Casting) Charge Wand (Cancellation) Ring of Grand Mage Haste Manual Emerald Ring Necklace of Fire Protection Necklace of Efreet Necklace of Ice Protection Necklace of Lightning Protection Necklace of Air Elemental Necklace of Earth Protection Necklace of Earth Elemental Merien's Shield Merien's Plate Mail(M) Merien's Plate Mail(W) Elemental Hammer Elemental Bow Magic Necklace(HR+60) Blood Axe Blood Rapier Blood Sword Sword of Thirst Ring of Thirst Necklace of Thirst Sword of Heavens Bloody Shock Wave Manual Ring of the Xelima Kloness Axe Kloness Blade Kloness Esterk Hat of Divinity(M) Hat of Divinity(W) Excalibur Inhibition Magic Casting Manual Dark Executor Ring of Arch Mage Necklace of Kloness Necklace of Medusa Necklace of Beholder Xelima's Axe Xelima's Blade Xelima's Rapier Windslasher Giant Battle Hammer Necklace of Ice Elemental The Devastator Ring of the Abaddon Bane
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